Monday, October 26, 2009

Update on Campaign

As of 10.26.09 a.m. the percentage of goal is 65.7 in.  I have been asked if this thermometer registers the actual contribution in checks and/or cash or the pledges.  It combines both.

We are getting so close to the top it seems we may reach it soon.

Valley View Regional Hospital just reached their internal campaign last Friday.

East Central University is getting very close to their internal campaign.

Pre Paid Legal has not yet turned in any contributions, but typically is a great support of ARUW.

These are just a few businesses/organizations that recently or are about to hold internal campaigns.

Even if a person can only contribute a very small amount at one time, or a small amount per month, all contributions are combined to make an impact in our community by supporting local agencies and local projects.

If a person needs more information or has any questions, please contact me at (580) 332-2313 x 223 or  I have had more questions and comments this year than ever before and that is great! Keep asking.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Presentations to community

Yesterday was spent in presentations to CenterPoint Energy staff.  The presentation consisted of viewing the "why I wear the shirt" video and sharing information on how ARUW partners in the community as well as how ARUW funds local agencies providing health and human services. A great looking breakfast was served.  Not many questions; however, this group of community members has been a UW partner for quiet some time, so not unusual.

Next, I was off to Valley View Regional Hospital. WOW are they excited to partner with ARUW for the 2010 campaign.  Lots of great questions about our funded agencies.  The attendees were really interested in how Valley View can get involved and support not only with contributions, but with volunteer hours.
The morning gave me a new positive outlook that we will make goal!
Thanks to the participants for letting me spend time with them talking about ARUW!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Volunteerism - what is it?

I realized this week while talking to a group of freshman at East Central University that not everyone knows what volunteering really means.  There was one particular student that seemed to think that the only reason a person would volunteer was due to a requirement of an indiscretion.  The term community service came up several times during the discussion.  To me community service is simply something that I have always done.  I grew up knowing that I volunteered because - just because.  I watched "older people" giving there time to be Sunday school teachers, volunteer bus drivers for events, leading youth groups, etc.  I just assumed that once I became old enough to help I should.  No one really ever asked me to, I just did it.
I think that now we have to explain to people and offer them rewards to volunteer there time. And that is okay, but we do need to remember to explain to our youth why we volunteer.  The answer is going to have to be more than just because.  That is all I needed, but that was a slower paced time.  Everyone is so strapped for time now that they really have to schedule in their volunteerism.

A person should volunteer to give back to their community.  That is where United Way can help.  We have a partnership with several agencies in our community needing our time as volunteers. 

A person simply needs to decide how much extra time they have for volunteerism, what day(s) are they available, what time of the day are they available.  Most of all, they need to decide what interests them because if you are going to volunteer your valuable time, it should be for something that you like or love.  What made a difference in your life - find out how to volunteer for that!

Take time to think about what you want to get out of your volunteer time.  If you need help locating a project, simply contact  Ada Regional United Way and we will match you with a project.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


How can you Live United?

It's a credo, a mission, a goal.  A constant reminder of when we reach out a hand to one, we influence the condition of all.  Join the LIVE UNITED movement at


So, how will you wear the shirt?

Have you wondered how you could get your very own LIVE UNITED t-shirt?
We have them $10.00 each for sizes up to XL add $3.00 for larger sizes.

ECU/UW fair

10.08.09 is the date of our annual East Central University partnership ECU/UW fair.  This is an annual event allowing students and faculty of ECU and anyone in the community interested the opportunity to visit with our funded agencies face to face.  The event is held at the University Center 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.  I hope to see lots of familiar faces as well as meeting many new community members.  Door prizes will be given - you must be present to win.  Plan to spend a little time getting to know Ada Regional United Way a little better during this event.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Update on Campaign

 As of today, we are at just a little under 50% of campaign.  A projection is included from VISION Bank ($18,000) hopes are that they are just a bit above when finalized.

It is exciting to be almost at 50% at the beginning of October.
Additional dollars mean additional allocations can be distributed.
We have 15 local agencies that will be supported in 2010 by the funds now being collected.

If you have not yet sent in your contribution, please don't forget.  Each dollar is added to all the other donations from our community to make an impact on our area.  No matter how large or how small, your contribution makes a difference!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Crystal Darkness continues

Yes, we had a great turnout (standing room only!) at the January showing of Crystal Darkness, but what have we done lately?
A very committed group of community individuals has been meeting monthly since March to determine where we are, where we are going and where we need to be.
While no direct funding for this project is allocated from Ada Regional United Way(ARUW), we are definitely a partner. Latricia Bryant, Executive Director of ARUW serves as the committee chair making sure that members know when meeting schedule, taking minutes, coordinating efforts with Debbie Thompson with VISION Bank to provide lunch to attendees and updating the community as to meetings/events.
This group is called the Crystal Darkness Advisory Council and is made up of a variety of community organizations and businesses.  This group discusses the ongoing activities occurring in our community to combat the substance abuse that is currently occurring and how to prevent future abuse.  Everyone should take a stand on any addiction in our community as it affects us all!
Funding was recently awarded to allow marketing of the Crystal Darkness project.  T-shirt will soon be available so that the project will be brought to our thoughts each time one is worn.  Flyers and brochures will also be purchased and distributed throughout Pontotoc County.  Funds were also secured for training of volunteers to teach programs in our community to hopefully reduce and preclude substance abuse by youth.  If you are interested in volunteering please contact Latricia Bryant at (580) 332-2313 x 223 or  Everyone in our community should be involved in this project to make it successful.  We have to lead by example, not just words.

A community meeting is in the planning stages to update the community as to what has been accomplised over the past few months and how to get involved.  We cannot just assume that one meeting in January made a difference and we don't have to do anything else.  We have to keep the community in agreemtn that this is a real problem and we have to fact it.