Thursday, October 1, 2009

Crystal Darkness continues

Yes, we had a great turnout (standing room only!) at the January showing of Crystal Darkness, but what have we done lately?
A very committed group of community individuals has been meeting monthly since March to determine where we are, where we are going and where we need to be.
While no direct funding for this project is allocated from Ada Regional United Way(ARUW), we are definitely a partner. Latricia Bryant, Executive Director of ARUW serves as the committee chair making sure that members know when meeting schedule, taking minutes, coordinating efforts with Debbie Thompson with VISION Bank to provide lunch to attendees and updating the community as to meetings/events.
This group is called the Crystal Darkness Advisory Council and is made up of a variety of community organizations and businesses.  This group discusses the ongoing activities occurring in our community to combat the substance abuse that is currently occurring and how to prevent future abuse.  Everyone should take a stand on any addiction in our community as it affects us all!
Funding was recently awarded to allow marketing of the Crystal Darkness project.  T-shirt will soon be available so that the project will be brought to our thoughts each time one is worn.  Flyers and brochures will also be purchased and distributed throughout Pontotoc County.  Funds were also secured for training of volunteers to teach programs in our community to hopefully reduce and preclude substance abuse by youth.  If you are interested in volunteering please contact Latricia Bryant at (580) 332-2313 x 223 or  Everyone in our community should be involved in this project to make it successful.  We have to lead by example, not just words.

A community meeting is in the planning stages to update the community as to what has been accomplised over the past few months and how to get involved.  We cannot just assume that one meeting in January made a difference and we don't have to do anything else.  We have to keep the community in agreemtn that this is a real problem and we have to fact it. 

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