Tuesday, October 18, 2011

PAWS (Pontotoc County Animal Welfare Society

The mission statement is -
To improve quality of life in the Ada area by promoting the humane care and treatment of animals. To serve as a model for other shelters. To decrease the number of unwanted animals by promoting spay/neutering.

PAWS was incorporated in 1982 by a small group of concerned citizens who began cleaning pens at the makeshift structure that served as the city pound. These volunteers began trying to find homes for some of the animals and recruiting others to help. Soon an agreement was entered into with the City of Ada to serve as the dog pound in return for some funds to operate a private shelter where animals would have better chance of being adopted. In about 1990 several generous donations from individuals were received and the volunteers began to raise enough funds for a new building. The dream was realized in spring of 1996 when PAWS moved into the current location at 1200 Sandy Creek Drive. The next long term goal is to enclose all of the pens so that each animal has an indoor area and an outdoor run. Dreams do come true!

It is estimated that 2,135 animals will be directly assisted in take in to PAWS. Of these 375 will be adopted and 164 will be assisted with low cost spay/neuter. Owners of these pets receiving the low cost spay/neuter are 100%.  Most would not be spay/neutering if not assisted by PAWS - resulting in many more animals scurrying around Pontotoc County.

The Prison dog training program in which PAWS sends dogs to Davis Correctional Center in Holdenville is having a very positive impact both on our dogs and on the inmates who work with them. For some of the men, it is their first chance to feel that they can make a difference and to receive some unconditional love.

PAWS is the only public/private animal shelter within a 30-40 mile radius of Ada.

This agency accepts volunteers for a variety of opportunities.  Please contact PAWS is you would like to volunteer or visit www.adaunitedway.org and click the volunteer tab at the top of the home page and I'll find out exactly what PAWS needs volunteers for at this time.

ARUW allocation is designated to be used in Pontotoc County for spay/neuter and veterinary expenses for the animals.

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